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The bwUniCluster in Karlsruhe will be in productive operation as of 27 January 2014

The bwUniCluster in Karlsruhe will be in productive operation as of 27 January 2014

A further high performance computing resource in Baden-Württemberg will be in operation

The bwGRiD team from Freiburg is delighted to announce that the long awaited bwUniCluster in Karlsruhe will be in operation as of 27 January 2014. As of this date users in Baden-Württemberg will have access to an impressive and powerful parallel computer system with more than 500 nodes, equipped with 64-bit Xeon processors by Intel. Freiburg’s bwGRiD team wishes the Cluster in Karlsruhe all the best for the launching phase and is looking forward to close collaboration.

The bwUniCluster as an element of Baden-Württemberg’s overall high performance computing strategy secure basic services

The bwUniCluster is embedded in Baden-Württemberg’s overall strategy and serves to provide basic services for Universities in Baden-Württemberg. It is therefore available for highperformance computing use to all researches at all universities in Baden-Württemberg free of charge.

In combination with future bwForClusters in Mannheim/Heidelberg, Ulm, Freiburg, and Tübingen, the bwUniCluster constitutes the lowest level (“Tier 3) of a high performance computing pyramid. These institutions will supply researchers and users in the field of high performance computing with computing and storage capacity, in order to allow them to conduct their research projects faster, more efficiently, and more encompassingly.

Overall performance of the computer system

The bwUniCluster contains

  • 2 login nodes with 16 cores each, whose theoretical peak performance is at 332.8 GFLOPS and 64 GB main storage per node,
  • 512 “thin” computer nodes with 16 cores each, whose theoretical peak performance is at 332.8 GFLOPS and 64 GB main storage per node,
  • 8 “thick” computer nodes with 32 cores each, whose theoretical peak performance is at 614.4 GFLOPS and 1 TB main storage per node,
  • as well as a the following connecting network: InfiniBand 4X FDR Interconnect.

For further information and details regarding composition and technical data please consult the press release.

Accessing the system

Access to the bwUniCluster will be organized as for bwGRiD in Freiburg via bwID and Shibboleth-based access technologies. This means that users will be able to access the resources via normal SSH-client programs. No additional installation and user certificates will be necessary.

Users who are interested in using the bwUniCluster should contact Freiburg’s bwGRiD team (via e-mail or our contact form).

We are happy to help with gaining access to and using the Cluster!


Freiburg, 15 January 2014
Janne Schulz & Michael Jancyk, bwGRiD-Freiburg


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