Access to the Cluster
This is a description how to get access to the bwUniCluster in Karlsruhe..
Click on the link below:
bwServices-Webseite des KIT Karlsruhe (
- Choose "Ihre Universität/Einrichtung". If you are a member of the university of freiburg, choose "Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg".
Click on "Fortfahren"
- You will be redirected to the login-page of your university/institution. Please login with you uni-account/credentials.
Enter username and password andclick on "Login"
- You entered the protected area of the website bwServices des KIT Karlsruhe.
Click now on "bwUniCluster - Service Beschreibung"
- A brief service description will appear.
- Read the content carefully! If you agree:
Click now at "> Registrieren" at the bottom of the page
Your uni-account is not enabled for access/usage of the bwUniCluster if you can read this text.- Members of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg:
Visit our website:Fill out this form and request for the bwUniCluster entitlement.
- Members of foreign universities in Baden-Württemberg:
Please contact your local support to get the entitlement to use the bwUniCluster.
- Members of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg:
- You can access the bwUniCluster after clicking on the button "Registrieren"!
The last step is to set you ssh password.
Click on the link "bwUniCluster - Dienstpasswort setzen".
- Enter your ssh password in both password-fields and click on
- You got access with your credentials and your ssh password to login on the bwUniCluster: SSH auf das bwUniCluster.
Your credentials are available using the link Registrierungsinfos.
Click on the link bwUniCluster - Registrierungsinfos.
- The overview presents:
- Home directory of your accountlocalUid
- User-ID for logins via SSH
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