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A high performance resource at your finger tips

The bwUniCluster supplies high performance computing resources to all students and scientists in universities and colleges in the state of Baden-Württemberg. The service is hosted at the KIT in Karlsruhe and has been available since 27/01/2014 in the framework of the statewide bwHPC concept.

The University of Freiburg has a 10% share in the bwUniCluster. As such, all students and scientists of the University of Freiburg are entitled to make use of this entry-level HPC system for their studies, their research and their teaching activities. 

bwUniCluster Usage 01.09.2014 - 31.08.2015

01.09.2015: Usage of bwUniCluster last year by users from Freiburg


There is no need to submit a project proposal. You are competing for compute time with other users from Freiburg by virtue of your own fairshare-value. 

The bwUniCluster is a part the overall bwHPC strategy of the state of Baden-Würrtemberg for high- and highest-performance computing in research and education. It is complemented by its sibling bwForClusters, which offer computational resources to specific scientific communties. For example, the forthcoming bwForCluster ENM (Codename "NEMO") in Freiburg serves the statewide communities Neuroscience, Elementary Particle Physics and Microsystems Engineering.

For further information on hardware, software and how to get access, pleas see the central Wiki pages.