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Positive review by DFG

It is with great pleasure that we can report the positive review of our application "bwForCluster ENM" by the DFG. We would like to thank everybody involved, especially our contributers from the scientific communities Elementary Particle Physics, Neurosciences and Microsystems Engineering.
On November 6th, the Freiburg bwForCluster ENM application was presented before a DFG review board in Bonn by Prof. Gerhard Schneider (Computing Center, Freiburg), Prof. Quast (Elementary Particle Physics, KIT, Karlsruhe), Prof. Stefan Rotter (Neuroscience, Bernstein Center Freiburg) and Prof. Alexander Rohrbach (Microsystems Engineering, IMTEK, Freiburg).
The review board reviewed our bwForCluster ENM application positively. There were no major changes in strategy requested by the board nor any cuts in funding proposed.
Hence, we convinced the DFG review board that the bwForCluster ENM is needed by our scientific communities, that it fits into the concept for HPC in Baden-Württemberg, that we have the competence to get the cluster up and running and last but not least that we have the support and collaboration of our scientific communities to turn it into a success.
We could not have convinced the reviewers without proper preparation in advance. Therefore we wish to extend our gratitude to everybody involved in the process, especially those people who provided the scientific contents and those who gave us their help and advice.
The final decision on the application will be taken at one of the next meetings of the DFG Joint Committee. This might be as soon as December 10th, fingers crossed.